1:1 Coaching - Annual Membership
Because wellness is about creating lasting change, our coaching provides monthly coaching sessions that allow our clients to get one-on-one information, resources, and feedback. With an annual membership, we establish goals and provide accountability to keep you on track. By providing continuous support throughout the year, we are able to examine what works and what doesn’t for your lifestyle and then adjust goals, expectations, and strategies to fit the demands of your day to day life.
30 Minute monthly coaching sessions
Access to community clinicians
Weekly text check in’s
Access to retreats
10% Discount on all retreats
Baseline nutrition evaluation and fitness plan setup
Quarterly fitness review with new plan adaptations Make changes to your fitness plan throughout the year based on goals, successes or things that may need extra attention.
Access to discounts on the fitness subscription - “Biolayne”
Access to workout demonstration video library
1:1 Coaching - Annual Membership
Because wellness is about creating lasting change, our coaching provides monthly coaching sessions that allow our clients to get one-on-one information, resources, and feedback. With an annual membership, we establish goals and provide accountability to keep you on track. By providing continuous support throughout the year, we are able to examine what works and what doesn’t for your lifestyle and then adjust goals, expectations, and strategies to fit the demands of your day to day life.
30 Minute monthly coaching sessions
Access to community clinicians
Weekly text check in’s
Access to retreats
10% Discount on all retreats
Baseline nutrition evaluation and fitness plan setup
Quarterly fitness review with new plan adaptations Make changes to your fitness plan throughout the year based on goals, successes or things that may need extra attention.
Access to discounts on the fitness subscription - “Biolayne”
Access to workout demonstration video library