finding inspiration

I think we all look for that ah hah moment. That grand gesture, that movie moment. But really, we should be looking for that ah hah feeling. That feeling however momentary and quick it might be, will give us real clues as to what we are searching for. Career changes can be scary and overwhelming. How will i make a living, have benefits, etc. But before you get there, you must find what it is that will excite and fulfill you. And it can be a small moment, that if you are too stressed and worried about the future, you may miss it. Yesterday, I volunteered at my son’s school. Originally, I was scheduled to work overtime, a day in which I would have made about $500, for a day's worth of work. That’s real money, money that could help my family. But I gave  it back and committed to helping out at RISDeaf. I made the decision, and never looked back. I prepared for my time, I was doing a demonstration for exercising and wellness (enrichment period) for a group of about 20 deaf/hard of hearing high school students. It was awesome, one of my fist times “signing” for real, in front of people. I was very comfortable in the setting and knew how gracious the students and staff were, so I didn’t stress over the mistakes I may make. It went great. The next hour or so was like a high. It was so uplifting, enlightening and fulfilling. Now who is to say what that develops into, a job, a career, more volunteering, but what I do know is that I want to get that feeling again, from serving others in some manner, feeling like I made a difference, albeit a very very small one (thats Kaizen), while still feeling challenged, in whatever I may undertake next.


life & death, & those we leave behind


comparison is the thief of joy